Dealing with split visitation of my 12 year old son. How does shared parenting actually affect the child. Co-parenting with a nincompoop!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I get so tired of having to be the giving parent

When you are stuck co-parenting with a selfish opposite there is really no time for me to ever worry about my own feelings because my son's dad puts so much pressure on him to be with him and continues to tell him that he doesn't know what he would do without him. My son carries so much guilt around with him because of his dad is constantly pressuring him about everything. If he really cared about his son he should ask himself why he would want my son around his (anti-ever get my life together girlfriend) So if he loves his son you would have thought he would have said a couple of years ago like....look son I need to get some things together and I want you to stay with your mom for awhile. BUT NO he has subjected my son to everything that has went on in that house and I am so pissed and him for that. I never wanted my kids to have to grow up before their time and learn about things that they should never have to worry about at his age. I know it has to be hard on my son to go back and forth from one week to the next. I think I am going to encourage my son to choose one place or the other to live because he will be 12 years old soon and I much as I want him to pick to live at my house I am not going to tell him that and I am embracing myself for the worst because that is all his dad ever tells him. His dad also makes him feel inferior to all of the other kids that he has living in that house that are not even his kids. So regardless of my feelings or what I think is best for my son I cannot watch him go back and forth and be so unhappy. I have tried to take this case back to court but as my ex always puts it he will make sure I don't have a pot to piss in after that. I cannot afford to pay for an attorney and I don't qualify for legal aid which I still don't understand that, when I don't have a job.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Welfare Abuser's ~ Continued

My son told me that Jenny the girlfriend of his dad had to be taken to the hospital because she was having some type of complications with the baby that she is pregnant with. Jenny was in the hospital for 2 or 3 weeks. I had no idea what type of problem she could have been having that they would keep her for 3 weeks. Well then the truth comes out and she has apparently been in the O.S.U. drug rehabilitation center. She had to go to detox to try to get the heroin and meth out of her system that she has been using while being pregnant. I am utterly disgusted, you want to ruin your life fine but why in the hell does she think she has a right to ruin that baby's life while it is inside of her. Don't they press charges against people for that. I always thought they did but if they don't have any laws against mothers who are pregnant and take drugs. Well that to me would seem like child endangerment???? DUH I have no respect for this lady and she lives with my son, this is the type of role model my son's dad has chosen for him. Why would he do that if he loves our son. You would think he would have kicked her drug using ass to the curb along time ago. There you have it folks another piece of shit gets to bring another precious child in this would when the child is probably already addicted. People like this Jenny girl should not even be able to have children. There are so many peopl out there who are looking to have babies and let them come into this world with a fighting chance.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Welfare Abuse

My son's dad has gotten his girlfriend pregnant again. Yes the girlfriend that cannot keep herself off of drugs and welfare. So now all of us tax payers are going to be paying to support another one of her children that she does not even take care of, I mean damn can we get our tubes tied already! My son's dad has never paid me child support because he lies about his income. Which that is easy to do when you own your own business. I know I may sound a bit bitter but I am unemployed right now due to the fact of there is just no one hiring and I have been looking my unemployment ran out and this girl gets to hang out in a nice luxury house and collect welfare yeah I am a bit bitter because I can't stand welfare abusers!!
This is the back of their house~
Nice huh? You know you need to re-evaluate your parenting skills when an 11 year old is asking you how you plan to take care of another baby when you cannot take care of the ones you have.
If she want's to be with my son's dad then fine, they have been together for 3 years and he owns two businesses she does not need to be on welfare all she does with her check is run out and blow it on bingo and playing scratch offs. GHEEZ! It just disgustes me. I just needed to get that off of my chest.

Yoo Hoo!! Football Season is here!

Well my son made the decision to go ahead and go up to Division II. He wanted to stay in Division I because he is such a small guy but in order to do that he would not get to touch the ball to much. So he said he wanted to go up and take his chances on whether or not he will get to play where he wants. So we are no longer playing for the Bengals he has been drafted to the Dolphins.